Afm short selling

  • This register include the notifications of significant net short positions in shares as required under the Regulation on short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps.
  • Net short positions (current)
  • Dit register bevat de meldingen van aanmerkelijke netto shortposities in aandelen als vereist onder de Verordening betreffende short selling en bepaalde aspecten van .
    1. Net short positions (current) View the shorted companies aggregated statistics for Netherlands including short interest percentage and number of shorted g: afm.
      Netherlands, Shorted companies daily statistics — FinAristo At the height of the financial crisis in September , competent authorities in several Member States and supervisory authorities in third countries such as the United States Missing: afm.
      According to Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No / on short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps, net short position in shares should be publicly disclosed on a central .
      How can notifications be made of a net short position? Practical implementation of the European Short Selling Regulation - ESMA Guidelines on the exemption of market making activities and primary market operations under Regulation (EU) Missing: afm.
  • Search the registers
  • Most shorted companies
  • Public notifications in a register
  • Net short positions (current)

  • In October the AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) banned the short selling of shares in listed Dutch financial institutions. In addition, the AFM required the notification, on an .
  • afm short selling
  • ban increased net short positions on all equities admitted to trading on the platforms that they regulated. On the contrary, Dutch regulators, considering that it did not observe any market .
  • Shorted companies
  • Net short positions (current) .
    Short selling .