Hermitage da vinci

Hermitage museum da vinci

  • The Madonna Litta is a late 15th-century painting, by Leonardo da Vinci, in the Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg. It depicts the Virgin Mary breastfeeding the Christ child, a devotional subject known as the Madonna lactans. The figures are set in a dark interior with two arched openings, as in Leonardo's earlier See more.
  • Hermitage leonardo da vinci
  • About the Room
  • Leonardo da Vinci Hall

  • The largest and most striking room in the suite was known in the 19th century as the Great Hall. Today it is the Leonardo da Vinci Hall. The elegant colourful interior with a dozen windows in two tiers is finished in imitation of the Louis XIV Style that formed in French art in the 17th century.
  • hermitage da vinci
  • Leonardo da Vinci Hall It was founded in when Empress Catherine the Great acquired a collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky.
    Hall of the School of Leonardo da Vinci The Neva enfilade of state rooms in the Old Hermitage with windows overlooking the river has in the main retained the architectural decor created in the s to the design of Andrei Stakenschneider — , the leading exponent of Historicism in Saint Petersburg architecture.
    Hermitage leonardo da vinci It depicts the Virgin Mary breastfeeding the Christ child , a devotional subject known as the Madonna lactans.
    Hermitage Museum - Wikipedia .
  • Leonardo da Vinci Hall - hermitagemuseum.org
  • Hermitage museum leonardo da vinci

  • This hall is devoted primarily to the “school of Leonardo da Vinci” – the works of pupils and followers of the great master. His techniques and types can be recognised in St Catherine by Bernardino Luini, in The Holy Family with St Catherine, a masterpiece by Cesare da Sesto (–), and in the painting of Flora by Francesco Melzi.
  • Leonardo da Vinci Hall
  • Hall of the School of Leonardo da Vinci - hermitagemuseum.org
  • Hermitage leonardo da vinci

  • Hermitage museum leonardo da vinci
    1. Leonardo da Vinci Hall .
      Madonna Litta - Wikipedia .
      Hall of the School of Leonardo da Vinci .
  • {CAPCASE}hermitage museum leonardo da vinci{/CAPCASE}